Glyn Carpenter

A Tribute



Our fellow mediator and friend, Glyn Carpenter, passed away after a battle with cancer on 9 December 2021. We have kept his profile page here as a tribute to his vision and faithful work in the wider Christian community in New Zealand and the Pacific.

“Well done, faithful servant… Enter into the joy of your Master.” (Matthew 25:23)

Andrew, Neil, Alan and Martien

Glyn Carpenter-Tribute


Glyn Carpenter was widely known across the church in New Zealand and overseas.

From 2002-2018 he served as national leader of NZ Christian Network (originally called Vision New Zealand), and also from 2007-2019 as the South Pacific regional leader for the World Evangelical Alliance.

Glyn’s career began in computer programming before moving into management and teaching. Glyn and his wife Christine setup ACE Training Ltd (1986) which became New Zealand’s leading computer training company.

In 1991 they formed Achievement Plus Ltd to run communication and leadership courses. Through this activity Glyn was increasingly drawn in to providing conflict management services for clients, which became the basis for his work in conflict resolution.

Glyn acquired a Masters degree in Christian Ministry (theology and counselling) from Faith Lutheran Seminary (Washington).

Glyn is survived by his wife Christine and their three adult children.

Unity was a major focus of my work at NZ Christian Network.
Jesus said, ‘may they be one that the world will know that you sent me’ (John 17:23). Conflict can break our unity and undermine the church’s witness. That is the reason I am so committed to the work of Christian conflict resolution and reconciliation.

– Glyn Carpenter

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